Here we explain the reason why we need the Asian hornet genome (a video from the Wellcome Sanger InsThe Asian Hornet is one of 25 species whose whole genome has been read by the Wellcome Sanger Institute to create the first reference...
Press coverage by "The Times"!Our last paper which evaluated possible competition between native and alien hornets (Vespa crabro and Vespa velutina) received a...
Vespa velutina and the 25genomes challenge covered by "Il Venerdi" de la Repubblica.A very nice article, written by Martina Saporiti and published on the Italian weekly "Il Venerdi- La Repubblica" on 12/01/2018, covered...
Vespa velutina won the 25genomes challenge !!!We’ve been representing the Asian hornet, Vespa velutina, in the I’m a Scientist, Get Me Out of Here 25 genomes competition. The 25...
New paper about the origin and maintenance of insular butterfly diversityA paper on the ecological factors driving the rise and the reduction in butterfly diversity at population level on islands have just been...
Ale participated to ECRO XXVII (Cambridge) and AISASP 2017 (Rome) !I gave two talks, one at ECRO on Ontogeny of nestmate recognition in social wasps, and one in Rome, talking about the mechanisms and...
New paper published on forest beetles monitoring!The implementation of proper and evidence-based conservation measures requires a reliable assessment of presence and/or abundance of...
Intereg Project ALIEM started! Launch event in Corte, CorsicaThe EU funded ALIEM project (Action pour Limiter les risques de diffusion des espèces Introduites Envahissantes en Méditerranée),...
Ale's last talks at Lexem 2016 and Accademia Nazionale Italiana di EntomologiaI recently gave two talks about the researches we are performing in Florence on the behavioural ecology of Vespa velutina, the...
Citizen science boosts the monitoring of protected saproxylic beetles!Rapid assessments of population distribution and consistency for endangered species is mandatory to implement appropriate conservation...