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Alessandro Cini

PhD, "Ethology and Animal Ecology"



Current Position

Research Fellow  

CBER University College London (Sumner's lab)


e-mail : cini.ales @;   

ResearcherID: A-4156-2009

Google Scholar profile (click here)


Short Curriculum Vitae    


  • 2019-ongoing. Research Fellow,  CBER University College London

  • 2017-2019. Marie Sklodowska Curie Research Fellow,  CBER University College London. Project: Insect social parasites: behavioural genomics models for understanding the basis of phenotypic evolution (SocParPhenoEvol)

  • 2016-2017. Post-Doc position, Biology Dept., University of Florence. Project UNIFI-UNAPI: Biology and behaviour of Vespa velutina

  • 2015-2016. Post -doc position, Biology Dept., University of Florence, Project PRIN: Social immunity in honeybee: behavioural, chemical and microbiological aspects” 2012RCEZWH_001) 

  • 2014-2015. Post -doc position CRA-Centro Ricerca per la Sperimentazione in Agricoltura, Florence.(Project LIFE11 NAT/IT/000252 MIPP

  • 2012- 2014. Post doc position UPMC in the Equipe Evolution des Societes Animales, Laboratoire Ecologie-Evolution at U.P.M.C., Paris,(Grant from Fondation Fyssen)

  • 2011- 2012 Center for Research and Innovation, Fondazione E. Mach. Scientific dissemination of the Europan project ENVIROCHANGE 

  • 2008-2010. PhD "Ethology and Animal Ecology"   in the "Dipartimento di Biologia Evoluzionistica  Leo Pardi", Universita' di Firenze, under the tutorship of Dr.ssa Rita Cervo.

  • 2008. Diploma di Licenza in Scienze Biologiche presso la Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa.

  • 2007. Master's Degree in Neurobiology, honours summa cum laude, University of Pisa.



  • "Social Insects in the Tropical Environments", International Master Course TROPIMUNDO, 2014-2016,  2017-2018, University of Florence

  • "Experimental Biology Laboratory", Master degree in Biology, as teaching assistant,Dept. Biology, 2011, University of Florence.   

Recording paper wasps behaviour
Butterfly Catching during the BW2015
Wasp marking


SIE-Societa' Italiana di Etologia

ASAB- Association for the study of Animal Behaviour

IUSSI-International Union for the Stuy of Social Insects

AISASP-Associazione Italiana per lo Studio degli Artropodi Sociali e Presociali

Researcher in Animal Behaviour

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