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Iguana delicatissima

Iguana delicatissima

Guadeloupe, 2013

Rosalia alpina

Rosalia alpina

Parco delle Foreste Casentinesi, Italy, 2014

Polistes sulcifer

Polistes sulcifer

The social parasitic female just usurped a nest

Flight to Montecristo

Flight to Montecristo

Tuscan Archipelago, 2014 (photo by Vlad Dinca)

Ichkeul Lake

Ichkeul Lake

Tunisia, 2008

Butterfly recognition at night!

Butterfly recognition at night!

Arcavacata di Rende (CS), June 2015

Radiotracking on stag beetles

Radiotracking on stag beetles

Ris. Nat. Bosco Fontana, Italy, 2014

Hunting for social parasites

Hunting for social parasites

Monte Vettoretto, May 2015

Liostenogaster flavolineata

Liostenogaster flavolineata

Malaysia, 2010

Liostenogaster vechti

Liostenogaster vechti

Malaysia, 2010

Hard work !

Hard work !

Parco Naz. Foreste Casentinesi, 2014

National Park Abruzzo Lazio Molise

National Park Abruzzo Lazio Molise

Italy, 2014

Scent of a wasp

Scent of a wasp

Chemical ecology of social wasps

A talk in York, Nw-Iussi 2017.

A talk in York, Nw-Iussi 2017.

Do paper wasps use chemicals or faces to distinguish friends from foes?! (photo YorkIussi)


Thanks to V. Dinca for the permission of using his photo!

Researcher in Animal Behaviour

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